What is this blog about?

This blog is summary of various works and ideas in past years published in various forms and sites in recent years, and (hopefully) one final solution (and design) when comes to the various themes related mostly to the chess games, or let us say, most interesting and entertaining moments of chess games. Not only that, I am sure that majority of ambitious low rated players would find many instructive material here too.

Type of material to be found here....

Great amount of content of this blog will be dedicated to reviews and analysis of many interesting chess games and positions, including certain useful articles etc.

Any other contents...

Yes, various chess news and articles!

'Album' series...

Rapid and OTB Album series will present one of Author's most instructive and attractive games played on standard (Over the board) and rapid chess.

About author...

Finally, few words about author; an experienced club, tournament player and online player. Peak FIDE ELO 2200 points (Year 2022.).  Active member of chess clubs since 1997.

Online player (mostly interested in Rapid games). As time permitted, find me on very active on ICC (Internet Chess Club)  AKA kristijanZD or FICS (Free Internet Chess Server) AKA kristijanZD, although sometime I play on other servers such as Chess.com AKA Chessbooster.


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