Rapid Album: Attacking resources against Sicilian - checkmate at g7 to follow!



In position on diagram black decided to go for (unnecessary) shutting down of white diagonal with g7-g6, but soon after unstoppable advance of white f pawn found himself with a permanent threat of checkmate attack against g7 square.

Although black had few ways out of troubles, it seems that just the pressure was to strong in order to meet requirements of position.

[Site "Online Rapid"] [Date "2024.02.29"] [Round "?"] [White "kristijanZD"] [Black "Black"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B43"] [WhiteElo "2066"] [BlackElo "1823"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Nc3 Qc7 6. a3 d6 7. Be2 Nd7 8. Be3 b5 9. O-O Bb7 10. f4 Ngf6 11. Bd3 Nc5 12. Qf3 Rb8 13. Rae1 Be7 14. g4 O-O 15. g5 Nfd7 16. Qh3 g6 $2 {Till this moment everyting was OK for black. There was no need to close d3-h7 diagonal (thus ruining own structure) since white Bd3 is under strong control of Nc5.} 17. f5 $1 {At first glance there is pressure against e6 but I had something else on my mind.} e5 18. f6 $5 {This was plan started with f4-f5. Once pawn reached to f6, there is constant threat of Qh6 with threat of checkmate in 1 move (Qh6-g7#). Now, the rest of the game will be carved out by this idea.} (18. Nde2) 18... exd4 {Dubious move; once white bishop takes on d4 it will be strong support to the f6 pawn.} (18... Bd8 {Just to see what if black tries to save Be7.} 19. Qh6 Nxf6 20. gxf6 Bxf6 21. Rxf6 $18) (18... Rfe8 $5 19. fxe7 exd4 20. Bxd4 Rxe7 {It seems that danger to the black king is still there, however black should be able to meet threats on d4-h8 diagonal.}) 19. Bxd4 {Black is technically piece up but due to Qh6 threat it is not able to keep the extra piece (Be7).} Ne6 (19... Rfe8 $5 20. fxe7 {It leads us to the same position analysed under 18... Rfe8}) 20. Nd5 $1 {This move highlights how natural queen position on c7 has suddenly became awkward. Black has no option but to take on d5 which brings out some other troubles...} Bxd5 (20... Qc8 21. Nxe7+) (20... Qd8 21. fxe7 Qe8 22. exf8=Q+) (20... Qa5 21. Nxe7+ Kh8 22. Nxg6+ {Even without this devastating move, I would not play this position as black at all.} fxg6 23. Qxe6 $18 Ne5 {the only way to deal with f6-f7 threat.} 24. Bxe5 dxe5 25. f7 {due to incoming Qf6+ threat black has no way out from this position.}) 21. exd5 $5 {Perhaps fxe7 would be stronger, but as I mentioned under 18th move, major plan for white is to bring the queen to g7 and in that view knight on e6 must be eliminated, hence this move pefectly fits into the such course.} Nxd4 (21... Bxf6 $5 {This could save the game based on exposed position of white's king.} 22. Bxf6 Qc5+ 23. Kh1 Nxf6 24. gxf6 Qxd5+ $11) 22. Rxe7 {Black is still piece up, but the threat of Qh6 still persists.} h5 23. Bxg6 $1 {Devastating move which keeps idea of white queen to reach to g7 alive via Qxh5 threat.} Ne5 $2 (23... fxg6 {This would be the best move although it wouldn't seem so. The point is that black should calculate two uniqe moves in following lines.} 24. Rg7+ Kh8 25. Rxg6 {Threatening checkmate by Qh5.} Nxf6 $1 {The only move which temporairly prevents Qxh5 and opening up 7th rank for black queen to come to defence just at time.} 26. Rfxf6 Rxf6 {Due to Rh6 or Qh5 threat black has not time for anyting else.} 27. Rxf6 Rg8 $1 {The move which saves the black king.} 28. Qxh5+ (28. Rh6+ Kg7 {Perhaps this would be only way for white to maintain attack alive. Now it would be still required for white to find way to use weak squares around black king.}) 28... Qh7 29. Rh6 $2 {Amazingly, mistake!} Rxg5+ $3 30. Qxg5 Nf3+ 31. Kf2 Nxg5 {Black finally escapes deadly threats.}) 24. Qxh5 $1 {Ignoring the Rxc7 with easily won endgame, I was following my idea of checkmate on g7. The problem of black is that no piece can go for defence of this square, and there is new trouble - checkmate threat on h7.} Nxg6 25. Qh6 {Finally white queen comes to h6!} Nf5 26. Rxf5 Qc5+ 27. Rf2 {Black resigns} 1-0  

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