Few words on Rapid Album series

Good Day Chess Friends!

As long time (a decade for sure) member of several chess playing servers, I mostly enjoy playing rapid chess games. Since many of these games are very interesting and instructive, I got to idea to post and share some of these games with my own comments.

As You'll notice in comments of these games, I am mostly focused on textual annotations which I found much more helpful that endless variations in order to present positional features, plans etc...

I found many of comments and views will be of use and interest for lower rated players (2000 ELO and bellow), still I have opinion that even higher rated players may stop for a while here and find some entertaining content.


Few more facts; All games moves presented here under 'Rapid Album' series are authentic and stored on servers where those were played, along with my own records and downloads. Still, some data (such as player names, server names etc.) are contained for practical reasons. All annotations and variations are my own intellectual work and property. 



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