My Old Style Chess Set

This post is dedicated to old style chess board which I regularly use for my chess activities.

It's a board which few years ago someone from neighborhood brought down to the chess club and left it there. In order to protect it from falling down into full oblivion inside depth of drawers, the host passed it over to me knowing that I still prefer to use classic board set to preview and analyze chess games from books, articles etc. 

Although it took some time to get used on hand carved patterns (I must admit I was bit skeptical I would ever manage to do so), it become inevitable prop on my terrace. Not just that, every time I sit in front of, it reminds me how proud I am to be to be among the minority which has got the honor to have such relic still being used in my home.

So let's have a look into;










The set is completely handmade, being produced in ex Yugoslavia, between 60's and 70's of 20. century.


Frame is hand carved from wood, size 40x40 cm. Size of each square is 4x4 cm.
Total weight of whole set is 1.9 kg. Definitely is not a travel friendly set!
Each piece made of natural wood has weight about 20 gram with so balanced center of gravity which makes it hard to capsize during movements.


Microscopic inequalities in dimensions and patterns  between same pieces reveal that all of them are truly handmade!





Carpeted bases of pieces provide unique playing experience during sliding around the board.

Shiny glazed, both the board and pieces look just magnificent on a daily light.

Traditionally foldable and carpeted, protects pieces from scratches and cuts when stored and reducing noise while being transferred.



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