ICC launched new play zone !

On September 1st, the oldest chess server Internet Chess Club after many years decided to redesign it's site and introduced new play zone (Click here!).

As a regular member, I am very glad that I had opportunity to be there at launching day. Moreover, I was positively surprised about the players pool on first day and I saw some titled players there too, some of them very strong GMs.

 Image source: https://www.chessclub.com/
In recent years I saw some other servers new play areas at initial stage (one of them not active any more) but not without troubles and bugs. On the other side, ICC play area look very stable and functional and, although expected so, I haven't experienced any bug or malfunction of server on it's initial day. Interface is clear and simple for use, although missing many functions from old interfaces (the old site still runs through their client applications independently on new play zone) I hope their team will keep with introducing new features in future. Good luck for new ICC!

Being honoured to have some extra free time during the period and on historical day, I have recorded some games of mine for good memory, and the following one was played at 5+3 tempo is one of the first ones on new site;
white (1609) - kristijanZD (1697)
 [Event "chessclub.com blitz 5m+3"]
[Date "2024.09.01"]

1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bd3 e6 5. Bg5 
In this line white allows black to ruin his/her pawn structure on queen side in order to gain some initiative on king side relying on the fact that f6 square is not good for black queen; black will have to loose some additional time.
h6 6. Bxf6 Qxf6 7. Nf3 Bb4 8. O-O Bxc3 9. bxc3 d6 10. a4 
Along with 5th move of white, here it was much better to play Nd2 preparing to advance with f pawn and gaining extra space on king side for activities against black king (once 0-0 is done).
(10. Nd2 O-O 11. f4 Qe7  White has many options here, and as we may see black will have to be very careful in order to find correct continuations against incoming threats.)
10... a5 11. Qd2 ?! 
I believe that still was good time to go to d2 with the knight.
11...Nd7 12. d5

12...exd5 !? 
Logically e6-e5 with control of d4 (and f4 too) and shutting down the Bd3 (which is potentially most dangerous piece in such positions), but then white can just go with Bd3-b5 to exchange it in next move. But many times logical moves are not the bext ones.
(12... e5 13. Bb5 !?) 
13. exd5 
Although Bd3 is now open to act towards black's king side, white knight had got strong post on d4 and white rooks will take control of e file, exactly this position suits best for black.
(13... Bxd5 14. Rae1+ Be6 15. Nd4 O-O  Black would have certain advantage here but position is more dynamic than it is after 13...0-0. )
14. c4 

Now we see benefits of black's 12th move. White can't improve towards black king side, on the other side white ruined queen side for formation becomes very static which suits to the black knight. Now my strategy was to guide the game towards ending where I ll have knight against bishop. 
14...Rfe8 15. Rae1 Kf8 16. c3 Rxe1 17. Rxe1 Re8 18. Rxe8+ Kxe8 19. h3 Nc5 20. Bc2 Kf8 21. Nd4 Bc8 22. Qe3 Bd7 23. Nb5  
The worst move, but the only move. White has to give away his knight which is directly as per my plan stated at 14th move. Alternative was giving up a4 pawn but it's hard to find way for any compensation. 
23...Bxb5 24. cxb5 Qe7 ?!  

As all was going as per plan for last 10 moves I became overconfident...
25. Qf3 ? 
(25. Qxe7+ Kxe7 26. f4 !  At this point becomes clear that black king can't improve further since white would control e5 and f5 squares firmly, hence it is question how to use the advantage of knight against bishop. 26...g5 27. g3 !) 
25... Qe1+ 26. Kh2 Qe5+ 27. g3 Ke7 28. Qg4? Qxc3 29. Qe2+ Qe5 30. Qf3
Kf8 31. Bf5?  Qf6 
I could take on a4, but tried to set up a trap along f file.
32. Qg4 
(32. Kg2 g6 33. Bc2 Qg7  Taking on f3 could lead again to the white f2-f4 plan as described earlier with difficulties to advance further.)
32... g6
After loosing f2 pawn, white soon lost his bishop too and resigned few moves forward. 0-1


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